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Tel.: 0931. 59830

oder Mail: theaterhobbit@online.de

Kulturello.de Kulturello.de


Gastspiel: Teatro Matita

Sa, 23.09.2023, 20.00 Uhr

Two-men one-puppet show
Espectáculo maravilloso! Do not miss! It will change your life forever! Or maybe…it will not. Object theatre show for two actors, one marionette a table and bunch of nonsense objects. Buildon motifs of Cervantes novel, visual poetics of Švankmajer, and some facts from everydays puppeteer’s life, the show “Being Don Quichotte” confronts past and present, the individual and the society, the puppeteer and his puppet, the puppets and objects.

Plastisches Theater HOBBIT

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Tel.: 0931. 59830

oder Mail: theaterhobbit@online.de

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